Matching Gifts
Many companies have matching gift programs to optimize the impact of your donation. This is an easy way to double or triple your gift to the Massachusetts Historical Society, a 501(c)(3) exempt organization under IRS Code; EIN 04-2108374.
Maximize Your Impact in Three Easy Steps!
Make your tax-deductible donation online, or mail a check to:
Massachusetts Historical Society
c/o Development
1154 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215
We also accept gifts through Donor-Advised funds and electronic transfers of stock or cash. Please email for those instructions or to ask related questions.
Search for your and/or your spouse’s employer in the search bar below.
* Please note that some companies even match contributions made by their retired employees.
Follow your company’s instructions to submit the matching gift form online, or mail the completed form to the MHS at the address provided above.
Company Search
Thank You!
You just did something wonderful for the saving and sharing of history.
We will notify you when your matching gift has been received, and include this added support in your total recognition credit for our annual report on philanthropy.